Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Whinge About a Serious Issue (In My Mind Anyway....)

Hello all. For those of you who read my post you'd have noticed that most of them are bile filled rants against the annoyances in life. This is slightly more important than those, I reckon anyway.

Before I go into it however, I'll tell you now I'm bisexual. I like both men and women. Equally. Each are fun and gorgeous in their own ways and I love it. I do reckon that i have a fair few more options than the straight folk but I don't shove my sexuality onto people, nor do I have a superiority complex about it. However, there are some that do and it's pissing me off.

for those of you that like to see fuckwits on YouTube and are Australian, you may have heard about a girl named Shalika in your travels. she's basically a long streak of stupid who has recently come out as bi. Now I'm all for coming out and kicking the world in the swingers, however she went on to talk about how better bis are because we have more choice and a long list of other self-satisfied bullshit.

This was the straw that broke the camels back for me. I've been a long hater of 'party bis', usually girls who pash girls to make the guys hard. They fuck me off like there's no tomorrow but I can handle them. This idiot however, needs a slap. No one is better than anyone when it comes to beliefs (keeping in mind they don't involve inflicting hurt on anyone else or bestiality because that shit's gross and wrong), be it religion, sexuality or whatever. For someone like her to reckon that bis are better than anyone else gives bis a bad name and I hate it! Most aren't sex demons and geniunely want to find someone to spend the rest of their life with, be it man or woman. That's it. If you're hetero or gay than that's cool- you're turned on and the boat is floated. If you're a furry, go for it (just maybe don't ask me to join in because i'm not into it) but don't for one second think that just because you're into something that it instantly makes you better than someone who isn't. You have your scene, they have theirs.

So fascist bis, kindly fuck off. You're not better than everyone else. and for the record, labels are for cans of tuna, not people. The undecided, asexual those with tendencies are cool in my book (even though I don't understand the asexual- touching people's fun!!!!)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

I Haven't Been Gone, Just Haven't Been Arsed.

Hello to the whole three people that follow my humble blog. Didja miss me? That question was rhetorical. Well anyway, in the spirit of my good friend Rivqa resuming her blog Just enough snark, I thought it was high time I make a post- how's that sound? Again, rhetorical.

Some of you may notice a change of which I made which involves the wonderful issue of censorship. Yes, I clicked the 'yes' box of the question 'Does your blog have adult content?' Well apart from having an awakening of sorts (maybe if I'm reallllllllly drunk I'll make a post about it), it finally occurred to me that a fair amount of issues that plague me now have something to do with sex; from the high offices of Parliament to the front of my boylegs, its there. And my conscience is black enough without having some four year old come across this and read all the choice language I've used on here so while my blog isn't going to be overtly pornographic (my apologies to the perverts who saw the warning and became titillated but y'know, you can buy a copy of Hustler....), it is probably best to have the warning there just in case.

Anyway, I'm back and that's whats important right now. My whenever-I-can-be-arsed annotations are back too and y'know, it might be a bit therapeutic for me to whinge through the keyboard about some of the things that have truly shat me this year. I mean, I'm halfway through year 12 and already I could throw some of my teachers through plate glass and laugh hysterically. Oh well, one swallowed a wasp a few weeks ago so that's one sadistic streak satisfied.....