Good morning everybody. I've just woken up. My bloody computer is becoming more difficult as the minutes become hours and the hours become days. If it were a person, it would probably be one of those baby boomers that are pre-empting the time of which they are classified by modern standards as 'elderly'. They are quite rare they are, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. I sometimes wonder what I'm going to be like when I reach the elderly stage. Hopefully I'll still be mentally intact, but I have a feeling I'll get arthritis from the amount of drawing I do. I get told that anyway. It's amazing how if you get told something over and over, eventually your subconscious believes it and you're stuck in that frame of mind for a long time.
Ok, I'm rambling on now. I'm just procrastinating from moving at the moment. I know I have to move at some point because I'm going to see a movie, but my body just doesn't want to. Ah well, I will just part with an amusing picture I found that tickled my sick sense of humour. Goodbye.
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