Monday, November 3, 2008

Ladies and Gentlemen, We are About to Encounter Some Slight Turbulence.....

Jesus...what a week. Thankfully it's all over now, but you know those weeks where you're sure they're a provisonary apocalypse, just preparing for the big one? It was one of those.

It's was like a marriage really- that animosity that begins to brew for no reason amongst people that spend pretty much ever day together and then one day the shit hits the fan and it's up to you to clean youself up. It's just affirmed my reasons not to get married but anyway, that's what it was like in the land of last week. Things were said, others were felt but wholly we began to really understand eachother all at once for the first time in 3 and a half years.

Details of how and why it started and how and why it ended are a bit sketchy- maybe it's still continuing, I don't know. Maybe it's still continuing but the point is that were all civil (for lack of a better word) towards eachother. I feel better that this has all happened though, like I've finally started to heal or something.....

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